June 28, 2024

2024 Telangana SSC Exam Schedule: 10th Class Time Table

2024 Telangana SSC Exam Schedule: 10th Class Time Table


The Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE) has recently released the 2024 Telangana SSC Exam Schedule for 10th Class students. As the final exams draw near, it is essential for students to familiarize themselves with the timetable to adequately prepare and perform well. In this article, we will break down the exam schedule, provide important tips for exam preparation, and address common queries regarding the upcoming SSC examinations.

Exam Schedule

The Telangana SSC exams will commence on [start date] and will extend until [end date]. The schedule includes examinations for various subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, English, and Languages. It is crucial for students to carefully review the timetable to allocate sufficient time for revision and preparation for each subject. Here is a breakdown of the 10th Class Time Table:

Date Subject
[Exam Date] [Subject Name]
[Exam Date] [Subject Name]

Tips for Exam Preparation

  1. Create a study timetable: Organize your study schedule by allocating specific time slots for each subject. Prioritize subjects based on your proficiency and weaknesses.

  2. Practice previous year papers: Solve previous year question papers to understand the exam pattern and marking scheme. This will help you manage time during the actual exam.

  3. Revision is key: Revise regularly to reinforce your learning. Focus on important topics and concepts to enhance retention.

  4. Stay healthy: Ensure you get adequate sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. A healthy body and mind are essential for optimal exam performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. When will the Telangana SSC exams commence?
  2. The Telangana SSC exams will start on [start date].

  3. How can I download the SSC exam timetable?

  4. The exam timetable can be downloaded from the official TSBSE website or obtained from your school.

  5. Are there any gaps between the exams for revision?

  6. The exam schedule usually includes a day or two gap between certain exams to allow for revision.

  7. What are the passing criteria for Telangana SSC exams?

  8. Students need to secure a minimum of 35% marks in each subject to pass the SSC exams.

  9. Can I use a calculator during the Mathematics exam?

  10. Calculators are usually not allowed in the Mathematics exam, unless specified otherwise in the exam instructions.

  11. Is there any change in the exam pattern for this year’s SSC exams?

  12. It is advisable to check the official notifications or updates from the TSBSE for any changes in the exam pattern.

  13. What should I do if I miss one of the exams?

  14. In case of missing an exam due to valid reasons, students can apply for supplementary exams as per the board’s guidelines.

  15. How can I tackle exam stress and anxiety?

  16. Practice relaxation techniques, maintain a positive mindset, and seek support from teachers, parents, or counselors to manage exam-related stress.

  17. Are there any specific guidelines for COVID-19 safety during the exams?

  18. Follow the COVID-19 guidelines issued by the board, such as wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and carrying personal sanitization supplies during the exams.

  19. Can I refer to study materials during the exam?

  20. Unauthorized study materials are not allowed during the exams. Students should only carry essential stationery items as specified by the board.

By following the exam schedule diligently, adopting effective study strategies, and staying focused, students can enhance their preparedness and perform successfully in the Telangana SSC exams. Good luck to all the 10th Class students appearing for the examinations!

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Radhe Gupta

Hello, I am Radhe. I am absolutely in love with writing and by working with News Whizz, I have developed a passion for it. It helps me to stay updated and know what is happening around the globe.

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