October 18, 2024

10 Ways to Increase Conquests With Assistive Technology

10 Ways to Increase Conquests With Assistive Technology

Assistive technology has been in use for more than 20 years and is used in areas such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech language pathology. Today we are going to explore some of the ways that assistive technology can help you in your quest to increase your conquests.

Everyone can benefit from assistive technology; it raises the quality of life for people living with disabilities while raising awareness of how many people need better access or accommodations in society. Afrohi Storama has some more ways to increase conquests with assistive technology

There are many benefits of assistive technology that people living with disabilities can take advantage of. First, assistive technology makes life easier for people with disabilities so they are able to spend more time doing the things they want to do. 

Assistive technology also raises quality of life for non-disabled people because it raises awareness about how we live our lives and how we interact with one another. 

For example, the development of adaptive computers and smartphones allows non-disabled people to experience what it is like for a person with a disability and make changes towards becoming more inclusive in society.

Some assistive technology tools can help people with disabilities increase their social interactions and conquests. Let’s look at some of the ways that assistive technology can help you:

Robot, Technology, Artificial

1. Use a phone or tablet.

Smartphones and tablets are great for making new friends, finding local businesses, and interacting on social media. Smartphones and tablets also allow you to connect with others using apps such as Voxer which allows users to quickly send brief audio messages one-to-one or in a private conversation, or TalkAbout where users can create private records of conversations between two people.

2. Communicate more easily.

Assistive technology makes it easier for people with disabilities to communicate. For example, most people use at least two devices for work and personal life, so using a computer and a phone for business and family is not that difficult for them. Assistive technology can make your life easier by reducing the amount of times you switch between devices.

3. Become more independent through technology.

Many non-disabled people use assistive technology such as computers, headphones, etc. to avoid making interactions with others. This is not the case for people with disabilities, who use assistive technology to be more independent and capable of engaging in social interactions more easily.

4. Access information on the go.

Whether you are looking for local businesses, making plans to meet up with friends, or checking your schedule for the day, many people use smartphones or tablets to access information quickly and on-the-go. 

5. Make your Android device easier to use.

Android devices with larger screens are very helpful for people with disabilities. Assistive technology for Android devices allow you to use the device more easily, access information more easily, or connect with others more effectively than people who do not have access to assistive technology devices.

6. Use speech recognition software.

There are many types of assistive technology devices, including software that allows you to control your computer using your voice rather than typing on the keyboard or using a mouse or trackpad. It will give you more freedom to use your hands for other things while still being able to accomplish tasks at the same time.

7. Learn how to use a head mouse.

A head mouse is a device that allows people with disabilities to move a cursor on a computer using their head instead of using a standard mouse, touchscreen, or trackpad. A head mouse can be particularly useful for people who do not have full control of their hands or arms or fingers and may have difficulty accessing a computer’s mouse or touchscreen.

8. Get a robotic hand.

Robotic hands are great assistive technology devices because they reduce the amount of time it takes to accomplish simple, everyday tasks such as eating, drinking, making a phone call, writing, or sending emails. A robotic hand may be used by non-disabled individuals to become more independent or by people with disabilities to get more done in less time than they would otherwise be able to do on their own.

9. Wear a pair of glasses.

In the United States, approximately 4 million people use assistive technology to become more independent and capable of accomplishing daily tasks more easily than they would be able to if they were on their own. 

In fact, about 70% of adults with disabilities can describe how using assistive technology has made their lives better, and 31% have described it as their most valuable asset. Assistive technology can change your life for the better by allowing you to do more things on a daily basis and becoming more independent at the same time.

10. Use bionic limbs.

There are many types of robotic devices that can be used to help people who have lost limbs regain the use of their limbs more easily than they would be able to otherwise. 

Rehabilitation services can often teach individuals how to use these devices in order to regain the use of their missing limbs, which is extremely powerful for them because it allows them to become more independent and accomplish daily tasks better than they were able to do on their own prior.


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Cormaci Devid

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