January 22, 2025

The Ultimate List of Music Do’s and Don’ts

The Ultimate List of Music Do’s and Don’ts

Everyone has their opinions on what constitutes ‘good’ music,http://samnews.net/

 but when it comes to being in a club or playing for an audience, there are certain rules that have been laid down to ensure your show goes smoothly.

 The do’s and don’ts below cover what you should be doing in the moments leading up to your performance, during its course, and even after it’s over.

 They will keep you safe from sound check mishaps, prevent equipment delays, prevent awkwardness 

among the crowd during the night’s festivities—and more importantly—showcase your talent like never before!

Don’t get too drunk before sound check (and don’t bring anyone else with you).

Don’t forget to break out your portable music equipment (and/or sound system).

 Everything must be setup and ready well in advance of the actual show so you don’t waste time while setting up.

 Bring your cables, cords, adapters, plugs, etc.

Don’t forget your other necessary items—towels, change of clothes for the road, money to cover gratuities—as well as any personal items. 

You may have packed these things before you start performing but if not, bring them with you.

Do remember that it’s not just you performing on stage.

 There are others in your band who will be feeding off of your energy. 

So, before you go out on stage, try to build some sort of energy with them; 

this could be showing excitement with them or letting the weight of the moment wear on you (if you don’t believe in letting it wear on you, fake it).

Don’t ever get angry at someone else in your band for messing up. 

If they make a mistake, it’s okay; 

nobody’s perfect and most professionals realize that most “mistakes” made during performances are actually purposeful.

Don’t forget to tell the bartender (and others) that you’re an entertainer. 

This can be done by saying “I’m an entertainer, so drink up!” or something along those lines.

 If you don’t want people asking to take pictures or videos of you when you’re performing, tell them either.

Do always tape yourself practicing your songs so that when disaster strikes,

 it can be miraculously transformed into “performance-ready footage” 

in case the audience doesn’t deem your performance good enough to actually share with others.

Don’t ever perform your show in anything but what’s conducive to the music genre you’re playing in.

 If you’re playing indie rock, your clothing should be congruent with the genre.

 However, if you’re playing in a theatrical musical, it’s best to let that take care of itself

—whatever they’ve written into the show will be enough.

Don’t let your band members view the video output screens too much while you’re performing—

it may become distracting during your set if they catch a glimpse of something that isn’t meant for their attention. 

Only the lead guitarist should see what’s being projected onto the screens.

Do always practice your new songs at least 50-100 times before you go on stage, 

so that there are no surprises the next night during the course of your show.

 This will save you from having to change things on-the-fly, taking away your important energy.

Don’t set out to perform your hardest or heartiest song first, then end with something that’s not as challenging for you

—listen to energy levels in the audience and know when to take it down a notch. 

The same goes for picking up where you left off, especially if there are people waiting for an encore.

Do use the song order as a means to show off your band’s best material, as well as build people up for what’s to come. 

If you have a “show-opener”, it’s a smart move to have it open with a bang.

 However, if there is no opener, do set out with a song that will grab people’s attention and help them anticipate the rest of the show.

Don’t mistake the volume you’ve been playing your songs at in your home 

practice space for what volume your audience will be hearing from stage

—the volume levels you’re accustomed to aren’t going to be enough once you finally get out there.

 Always bring extra speakers or amps if needed—just in case.

Do read up on your chosen genre of music;

 this may seem like a no-brainer but it doesn’t hurt to know what they’re usually playing.

 If you’re not sure, there are plenty of places online that can give you the information you need.

Don’t let your ego get in the way or try to be something that you’re not. 

There will always be people who will point out if you’re out of sync with the rest of your band.

Don’t let anyone steal the spotlight; stand back and let your lead guitarist take the lead. 

After their solo is over, don’t begin playing until all of your band mates are ready to go.

Avatar for Aaron Finch

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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