January 17, 2025

The Debate Over “A Unique” or “An Unique” in English

When it comes to the usage of articles in English, one particular word has sparked a long-standing debate among language enthusiasts and grammarians: “unique.” The question at hand is whether to use the indefinite article “a” or “an” before the word “unique.” In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of this linguistic conundrum, exploring the historical context, grammatical rules, and common usage patterns. By the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the topic and be equipped to navigate this grammatical gray area with confidence.

The Historical Context

Before we dive into the grammatical aspects, it is essential to understand the historical context surrounding the word “unique.” The word “unique” originated from the Latin word “unicus,” meaning “one of a kind” or “singular.” In Latin, “unicus” was an adjective that did not require an article before it. However, as the word made its way into English, it underwent a transformation that led to the current debate.

The Grammatical Rules

According to traditional English grammar rules, the choice between “a” and “an” depends on the sound that follows the article. “A” is used before words that begin with a consonant sound, while “an” is used before words that begin with a vowel sound. This rule is based on pronunciation rather than spelling. For example, we say “a cat” because the word “cat” begins with a consonant sound, even though it starts with the letter “c,” which is a vowel.

Applying this rule to the word “unique” can be somewhat perplexing. Although “unique” begins with the letter “u,” which is a vowel, it is pronounced with a “yoo” sound, which is a consonant sound. Therefore, according to the traditional rule, “a” should be used before “unique.” However, this rule does not account for the fact that “unique” is an exceptional word that does not fit neatly into the standard grammatical framework.

The Unique Nature of “Unique”

The word “unique” poses a challenge because it is inherently different from other adjectives. Unlike most adjectives, which can be graded on a scale (e.g., “big,” “bigger,” “biggest”), “unique” does not admit degrees of comparison. Something is either unique or not unique; there are no in-between states. This characteristic sets “unique” apart from other adjectives and contributes to the ongoing debate over its article usage.

Furthermore, “unique” is often considered an absolute adjective, meaning it does not require modification or intensification. For instance, we do not say “very unique” or “more unique.” This absolute quality further emphasizes the exceptional nature of the word and adds to the complexity of determining the appropriate article to use.

Common Usage Patterns

While the grammatical rules and historical context provide some guidance, the usage of “a” or “an” before “unique” is not entirely straightforward. In practice, both “a unique” and “an unique” can be found in written and spoken English. However, there are some patterns and preferences that can help shed light on the matter.

1. Prevalence of “a unique”: The usage of “a unique” is more common in both British and American English. This preference can be attributed to the pronunciation of “unique” with a consonant sound, as discussed earlier. For example, “a unique opportunity” or “a unique perspective” are widely accepted phrases.

2. Regional variations: It is worth noting that there are regional variations in the usage of “a” or “an” before “unique.” In some dialects, particularly in certain parts of the United States, “an unique” is occasionally heard. However, this usage is generally considered nonstandard and may be perceived as incorrect by many speakers.

3. Contextual considerations: The choice between “a” and “an” can also depend on the context in which “unique” is used. If “unique” is followed by a noun that begins with a vowel sound, it may be more appropriate to use “an.” For example, “an unique opportunity” or “an unique event.” This usage aligns with the traditional rule of using “an” before words that begin with a vowel sound.

Expert Opinions

Given the ongoing debate surrounding the usage of “a” or “an” before “unique,” it is valuable to consider the opinions of language experts and grammarians. While there is no unanimous consensus, several renowned authorities on the English language have weighed in on the matter.

1. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED): The OED, considered the definitive record of the English language, uses “a unique” as the standard form in its entries. This choice reflects the prevalent usage and acknowledges the pronunciation of “unique” with a consonant sound.

2. The Cambridge Dictionary: The Cambridge Dictionary also favors “a unique” as the correct form. It acknowledges that “an unique” is occasionally used but advises against it, stating that “a unique” is more common and widely accepted.

3. Merriam-Webster: Merriam-Webster, a prominent American dictionary, recognizes both “a unique” and “an unique” as acceptable forms. However, it notes that “a unique” is more common and recommends using it in formal writing.


The debate over whether to use “a” or “an” before “unique” in English is a complex and nuanced issue. While traditional grammar rules suggest using “a” due to the consonant sound of “unique,” the exceptional nature of the word and its absolute quality have led to variations in usage. In practice, both “a unique” and “an unique” can be found, but “a unique” is more prevalent and widely accepted.

Ultimately, the choice between “a” and “an” before “unique” may depend on factors such as regional variations and contextual considerations. It is essential to be aware of these nuances and consider the preferences of reputable language authorities when making a decision. By understanding the historical context, grammatical rules, common usage patterns, and expert opinions, you can navigate this linguistic gray area with confidence and clarity.


1. Is it grammatically correct to say “an unique”?

No, “an unique” is generally considered nonstandard and is not widely accepted. The more common and accepted form is “a unique.”

2. Why is there a debate over the usage of “a” or “an” before

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Diya Patel

Diya Patеl is an еxpеriеncеd tеch writеr and AI еagеr to focus on natural languagе procеssing and machinе lеarning. With a background in computational linguistics and machinе lеarning algorithms, Diya has contributеd to growing NLP applications.

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