Why Graphic Design is Important for Businesses

A well-designed logo is one of the first things customers will notice about your company. But graphic design is about more than just creating a pretty logo. Well-made visuals and images can help your business in several ways, from building brand awareness to

7 Ways Modern-Day Businesses Can Enhance Their Employee Engagement Now

These days, employee engagement is no longer just a buzzword. As per Gallup’s studies, in 2021, around 36% of employees in the US were engaged at their workplace.  The figure indicates that there is still a lot of improvement needed at the workplace

Top Reasons for Small Businesses to Prefer Vinyl Banners to Advertise

While advertising and publicity are the twin pillars of boosting brand awareness and conversions, they remain a challenge to small and local businesses because of the prohibitive cost of traditional mass media advertising. Small businesses prefer to use advertising methods more suited to

How Much Will I Owe in Taxes For the Sale of My Business?

For many business owners and entrepreneurs, selling their business is a significant validation because it means that they have grown a business to the point where someone is willing to pay for it.  According to some business brokers, without proper planning, there is

8 Tips for Designing Stellar Promotional Items

When you decide to market your brand via free promotional gifts, it’s important that you go for high-quality, memorable gifts. Part of achieving this goal is designing gifts that will be both attractive and primed to encourage the customer to interact with your

Compared to email, is direct mail more effective?

In today’s digital age, many marketing professionals debate the effectiveness of direct mail compared to email. While both avenues have pros and cons, some experts believe that direct mail is still more effective in generating leads and conversions. Let’s look at the advantages

6 Things to Consider Before Selling an Online Business

There comes a time for most online business owners when they may need or want to sell their business. However, the thought of selling a business can be extremely daunting and overwhelming, particularly if you have never sold a business in the past. 

Five Important Life Lessons Basterin Legitimate Taught Us

In today’s world, where our standard of living is constantly changing and reaching new heights, everyone is busy. Busy working for an extra paycheck, busy buying stuff to make them feel more secure about their lives. It’s the American dream- we have freedom

How to Choose the Right Event Staffing Agency

When planning a large event, it is important to choose the right event staffing agency. There are many agencies out there, so how do you know which one is right for you? Here are some tips on how to choose the best agency

Separating Work & Life: How To Leave Work at Work and Have a Balanced Life

It can be hard to leave work at work. Especially when we are constantly connected to our devices and can be reached at any time. But it’s important to have a healthy work-life balance to maintain a good mental state.  In this blog