Seven Common Myths About London.

London is a confusing and large city, so it’s no surprise that there are plenty of misconceptions floating around about it.  But as a true Londoner, I’ve realized there are certain things  I have to set straight for those who don’t know any

Little Known Ways to snapchatters who viewed story

You might be disappointed to see that, despite your best efforts, you didn’t get to the top of the list on Snapchat’s story leaderboard.  No worries- there are still things you can do to better your chances of getting more views and keep

The Truth About characters in earth driven story

In a story based on realism, I was unable to relate to any of the protagonist’s as people.   In every good fiction, as well as most nonfiction, there is a character I can identify with or who seems true to life.  They have

Regal Gallatin Valley Movie Times – Bozeman

Regal Gallatin Valley Movie Times is a database of the latest and greatest films in theaters and on TV. Every time you need to find a movie, be it at home or in the theater, we have the most current information available to

The Starlite Drive-In is saved: Anonymous Wichitan purchases theater

An anonymous Wichitan has purchased the Starlite Drive-In, Wichita’s only locally-owned and operated drive-in theatre. The purchaser has not yet named themselves or their intentions to the public, but they have expressed their desire to keep the Starlite Drive-in open. The drive in

Why We Won’t See Regal Cinemas in Bozeman Open Soon

In Bozeman, Montana, the Regal Cinemas have been a part of downtown for decades. But as of late they have been experiencing some difficulties, and it looks like their future is uncertain. Now this isn’t the first time that cinemas have struggled to