October 22, 2024
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These facts about dystopian story will surprise you !

These facts about dystopian story will surprise you !

The word “dystopian” has been thrown around quite a bit in recent years, and for good reason. 

Dystopian stories are gripping, often with a dark twist that keeps readers hooked. 

With lots of interesting thought-provoking ideas and concepts to stimulate your mind, it is surprising how little the outside world is actually aware about dystopian stories as they develop through trends and popular culture. which scenario would best fit in a dystopian story

Here is a list of some extraordinary facts you were probably unaware of:

1)  Greek word “dysopticon,” which means a place of bad vision or distorted vision.

Dystopias, according to their definition, are places that severely lack things that everyone should have.

 In one sense, they are just a reflection of society’s current problems, but it is an interesting question whether or not this is the only thing that defines a dystopia. 

Who says technology cannot be used for good? After all, science fiction has been a very popular genre of books and movies for centuries. 

Technology has brought many new and exciting opportunities for people. 

You can browse the Internet and play video games to your heart’s content, thanks to the Internet and video game technology. 

Technology is here to stay, but it seems like dystopian stories are not going away anytime soon.

2) Neil Gaiman’s “The Sandman” was one of the first graphic novels.

Published in America that did not fall into “Superman,” “Batman,” or any other superhero category.

This comic series by Neil Gaiman depicted a chilling future for Earth under a dictator’s rule where all were brainwashed into believing that he was their savior. 

The main character of the series, Dream, is one of the few who lost his memory and could not be brainwashed. 

The graphic novel was beautifully rendered by Gaiman’s artistic skills and easily transformed into a movie.

3) The word “dystopia” was coined in 1956 by British author Andrew Neil .

He described his vision for socialist Britain that would ultimately lead to its downfall.

 Sadly enough, he saw that unions were preventing citizens from having jobs and that people were beginning to believe it was okay because they had more time to think about their lives. 

This kind of mindset reflects very negatively in our society today with people complaining about working long hours and demanding higher pay for working less hours than they used to. 

In a way, it is no different from what Neil envisioned in his books.

4) In most dystopian stories, the government is the bad guy.

Criminal governments are often portrayed in dystopian literature, but there are some notable exceptions.

 For example, Jules Verne’s classic “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea” features an evil underwater group of elites known as the “Akka.” 

They control other marine life through mind control devices and convince themselves that they must destroy humanity to save the sea due to its harsh treatment of marine life.

5) The original “1984” novel by George Orwell.

Inspired by the “Daily Express,”.

The Daily Express, published in London in 1922 , was a widely read and highly influential Sunday newspaper and often featured sensational and controversial headlines about the Nazis and other radicals that were at that time expanding into other countries. 

Orwell was deeply disturbed by this kind of journalism, which he viewed as unpatriotic. 

He tried to convey his views in his book “Animal farm,” which was published in England in 1945 but not published until 1952 after the war had ended.

6) In the movie “The Matrix”, robots were created .

By a man who wrote a book called “The Bible.”.

In the “Matrix” movies, machines that attained sentience, or self-awareness, after being overlaid by human computers started to rebel against their creator and now threaten the future of humanity.

 In fact, this idea is related to religion as well. There are many conspiracy theories online about groups who believe they have been able to create a perfect world through technology and who now fear for their future as a result of their actions. 

The group known as the Illuminati is one example, but there are others as well.

7) The two main characters of the novel.

 “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury is named after a 19th-century American inventor and a 20th-century German composer. 

The book’s protagonist is Montag, named after inventor Montague Brown, who invented the first practical street lamp. 

The main antagonist of the story is Beatty, whose last name is taken from German composer Benjamin Eugene Beatty. He was best known for his song “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.”

8) Dystopian societies have been portrayed in many different ways.

Every dystopian story seems to have its own unique view on how society should be organized. Sometimes it is controlled through brainwashing.

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Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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