October 22, 2024

Does Cleanse get you out of morde ULT?

Does Cleanse get you out of morde ULT?

The mordekaiser Ult is a challenging and effective way to gank opponents. This strategy has been around for a while, but recently I’ve seen more people ask the question “Can Mordekaiser get out of his ult?”

 The answer is no. As long as you have ulted, you can’t get out of it until he dies. Although this is counter intuitive, here’s how it works: Mordekaiser will die from his own Ult if he remains alive through his full duration.

 This means that when he ults, you can not get out of it because he won’t die until the ult is over.

So basically, what you must do to avoid his ult is to kill him before he has a chance to ult. 

This could be harder than it sounds, because in order to damage him, you have to get close to him and that means taking damage from his shield. 

His shield will often cause people to think they are doing enough damage for the duration of their attacks, when in reality it’s not enough.

 This makes Morde hard to beat 1v1 unless you are super fed or have ranged attacks or can safely poke from afar with no chance of gank attempts.

If you can get away with it, don’t end up finishing someone. 

It’s often better to save the ult for escaping or finishing off other champions that are trying to finish you off. 

If you are desperate, your best bet is to flash out of the Ult before it goes off.

Another useful thing to know about morde Ult is that his Ult can be activated while stunned (or silenced). 

The attack speed reduction doesn’t affect him while he’s ulting, but if he takes damage mid-Ult, it will break the effect and cancel his ult.

How can you cleanse morde ult:

1. Use Cleanse to get out of his Ult- 

Once the stun has worn off, you can turn on cleanse and use that to get out of it. This will often help if your enemy is not facing you because it’ll remove the stun and prevent incoming auto attacks.

2. Flash out of the Ult-

This can help if your enemy is running away, since it’ll remove the stun.

3. Don’t ult to finish the enemy-

It’s often better to save the Ult for escaping or finishing off other champions that are trying to finish you off. If you are desperate, your best bet is to flash out of the Ult before it goes off.

4. Save your ult skill until after his is over-

Another useful thing to know about morde Ult is that his Ult can be activated while stunned (or silenced). The attack speed reduction doesn’t affect him while he’s ulting, but if he takes damage mid-Ult, it will break the effect and cancel his ult.

5. Stay away from him-

If you can get away with it, don’t end up finishing someone. It’s often better to save the ult for escaping or finishing off other champions that are trying to finish you off. If you are desperate, your best bet is to flash out of the Ult before it goes off.

How not to get killed by morde ult :

1. Be aware of him-

Mordekaiser can be a very strong 1v1 champion if he knows how to play his role correctly and if he knows how many hits it takes to kill you from your health level.

 Be aware of his kill potential and don’t run away from him if you know he can kill you.

2. Buy items to make yourself less vulnerable-

Mordekaiser cannot deal an important amount of damage without landing a single attack on the enemy.

 This means that you have a window of opportunity for dealing damage before he can kill you if your health is high enough and if you have enough life steal. 

If not, then the only way to survive a 1v1 against him is to use Cleanse or Flash.

3. Make him attack you-

Mordekaiser needs to hit you with an auto attack to deal damage. 

You can use this opportunity to move into a position that is more favorable for you and then ult after he has already activated his Ult. 

This will make him waste the attacks and leave him with no way of healing up his shield after his Ult runs out.

4. Do not underestimate him-

Although the Morde players won’t be as good as those playing other champions, they can still do some serious damage if they catch you off guard. If they use their shield correctly and follow it up with a stun and an auto attack, they can often kill their opponent before they even know what happened.

 This is very dangerous and should not be underestimated, so you should always be cautious.

5. Farm as much as you can-

Late-game is where you want to play as morde, since it’ll help the team out a lot. Try to farm as much as you can and stay alive until you have enough money for your team’s objectives.

 If you aren’t done yet, know that the opposing team will soon become concerned about your lane and begin to focus on it, hopefully giving you time to deal some damage and come out victorious.

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Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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