October 22, 2024

Interesting Facts I Bet You Never Knew About Taiwan Tech Trek 2017

Interesting Facts I Bet You Never Knew About  Taiwan Tech Trek 2017

Taiwan Tech Trek 2017 is quickly approaching, and you’re probably wondering what to expect—don’t worry!

 We’ve put together this list of fun facts to give you an idea of the amazing experience that awaits.

Every year, Taiwan Tech Trek feeds more than 10 million dollars worth of free food to hungry people in Taiwan.

Taiwan Tech Trek has educated over 60 different kinds of animals, including pigs, cows, dogs, horses and chickens.

Taiwan Tech Trek has raised over $4 million dollars for charities such as the American Red Cross,  Lighthouse Relief and the Taiwanese Autism Association.

The people of Taiwan work hard. They make up 20% of the world’s manufacturing output, and they lead all Asian nations in exports by a significant margin.

Taiwanese technology companies employ over 200,000 people, and have a capital value of over US$100 billion dollars.

 This is why Taiwan is widely considered a technology hub for Asia.

Taiwanese technology companies have been ranked as some of the top employers in Asia by Forbes Magazine.

The Republic of China (Taiwan) is the 16th largest economy in the world, and the 23rd largest exporter.

Taiwan Tech Trek employs around 2,000 Taiwanese citizens at its donation sites.

70% of people in Taiwan believe that volunteering increases self-confidence.  59% believe that it increases skills for future employment.

At least 30 Chinese celebrities have participated in Taiwan Tech Trek over the years, including Li Yuchun, Richie Jen and Rao Shao-Chi.  

Hopefully they will be back to join us soon!

[SOURCE] http://taiwantoday.tw/ct.asp?xItem=140749&ctNode=5460&mp=5

PS: If you wish to read more interesting facts about Taiwan, please click on the link below:

http://taiwantoday.tw/ct.asp?xItem=134613&ctNode=5476&mp=4 [ARTICLE END]

So guess who’s going!?!?! I guess it’s me and you and everyone else who reads Taiwanese news. 

ehehehehe… But we’re all going this year, so we don’t have to worry about waiting for another year!

 Also my mom is so excited about it I can hardly stand it hehe. I’m probably going to post a few 

videos from the trip to show you guys as well, so stay tuned! =)

Here’s to lots of fun memories from Taiwan Tech Trek 2017! =)

P.S: If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!! =)

P.P.S: I was able to make a video booth for Taiwan Tech Trek 2017!!! So please check out my instagram for more pictures

  https://www.instagram.com/taiwantoday/   Photos from Taiwan Tech Trek 2016 can be seen here:


And here’s the write up of Taiwan Tech Trek 2015 


Also if you’re curious about what happened in Taiwan Tech Trek 2014, 

I made a video summarizing it for your enjoyment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bdpNd1CvzA It was in Chinese though ;-; lol.

Yes, it is me… The guy with the pink shirt around here… ehehe…

Lastly, if you want to visit Taiwan and visit my blog, well that wouldn’t be such a bad idea would it 

  Here is a guide to vacationing in Taiwan: http://taiwantoday.tw/vacationing-in-taiwan/ 

  It’s really helpful!  

I hope you all have a wonderful and wonderful and wonderful and fantastic year ahead of you!! 

 I believe we all should make our New Years resolutions now…

 Open a summer job!! No, really…wink wink, nudge nudge

 This year I’ll actually try to get a full-time job at a store somewhere!!

 I don’t really have the energy to go out and work in a super slow city all year but maybe this year I’ll have more of an urge to get out and live my life!

 Start new hobbies! =) 

 Be the best me ever!!! (And I know that this will sound cliche but it’s true haha!!!) 

 Don’t get sick!!!

 Don’t get hurt!!!

Have a wonderful and wonderful and wonderful and fantastic year ahead of you~!!  =) HAPPY NEW YEAR~~~~~!!!!! =D

My dad asked me to make him a sandwich the other day…

 I don’t really like making sandwiches for my family members who can make their own sandwiches because 1. It’s not fun 2. I’m lazy 

 I don’t like making sandwiches very much 

 My dad likes to talk while he eats and ruins the TV show that we were watching 

 Sometimes I just don’t want to be bothered with dealing with them 

The list goes on…

So anyways, I didn’t really want to make the sandwich

 so I told him his sandwich was in the microwave for him. And he said back “Is it heated up?”  

I said “um…well the microwave is heating it up…so yes.”

And he was like “Well can you check if it’s warm or not?”

And then I couldn’t resist it anymore and said sarcastically,

 “Okay dad haha” So then I took it out of the microwave because at that point

 I didn’t want to deal with this conversation any longer.

 And then I laughed out loud because he looked so serious!

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Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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