what does mars mean for your love life?

If you’re wondering what Mars in Aries has to do with your love life, the answer is a lot.  When it comes to matters of the heart, Aries is known for brashly going after what they want and not being afraid to take

what is intuition?

Intuition is a form of insight which originates within oneself.  It can often be difficult to pinpoint exactly when intuition is present,  but it tends to come when one is in a relaxed and open-minded state.  It may also come when there is

All you need to know about Atlanata relationship institute

An official statistical breakdown of divorce The relationship institute atlanta   a unique dating site for people looking for their soul mate.  Find your perfect match and have everlasting love! Here is a large information infographic on all you need to know about the

10 Secrets About Fashion That Has Never Been Revealed For The Past 50 Years.

Clothes may not be the most important part of a person’s outfit, but they say a lot about a person’s style and taste.  You also never know who you’ll meet or what opportunities will come your way   people want to dress well for

Gift yourself these things- Self love

I’ve had a lovely relationship with myself for years.  Yet, I was still stuck in the loops of self-doubt and scarcity; endlessly comparing myself to others and never feeling like I was enough or that my work deserved recognition.  It wasn’t until I

Why Does Ban Call Hawk ‘Master’?

Ban phrases his refusal to die as ‘mastering the will to live’. This is an application of Nietzsche’s will to power doctrine, which asserts that the denial of death leads to the preservation of life.  Its artful oration about mastering death leads Klappert

Relationship memes on dank

So you care about your significant other’s feelings and want to make sure that they feel cared for as well.  You’ve got a few basic things you could do, like cooking a nice dinner and buying them gifts. However, there is another tried

What does tbu on facebook mean?

Whether you’re at home or out and about, Facebook lets you share everything from the latest cute animal videos to your morning coffee with friends, family or co-workers.  So then why is it that when you get a notification on your phone saying

Which statement explains why the recombination frequency between two genes is always less than 50%?

According to the genome recombination frequency, two genes are always less than 50% because the more related they are, the more likely one of their alleles will be on both chromosomes.  This can be true even if there is no recombination between the

Which item serves as the mascot for Pixar animation studios?

Pixar Animation Studios is an American computer animation film producer, located in Emeryville, California, which was founded on January 30th, 1986. The mascot of Pixar Animation Studios is Woody from the 1995 movie Toy Story. We all know Pixar for their iconic films