October 22, 2024

Why is dairy being criticized for being unhealthy?

Why is dairy being criticized for being unhealthy?

We’re all aware that dairy, specifically milk, has gotten a bad reputation in recent years for being unhealthy.Yes, the fat content of the liquid makes it a less-than-ideal food to consume in excess. 

However, when you break down what’s actually in milk and how it’s been traditionally consumed, there are some redeeming qualities that make it a nutritious food. As an example:

The majority of people who consume dairy do so by drinking plain or flavored milks with breakfast cereals/granola.

Milk is also regularly used as an ingredient in baked goods and many over-the-counter supplements.As you can see, it’s routine to drink milk before eating breakfast.

 Fact is, most people who drink milk do so before eating anything else. It’s always been considered to be a healthy meal starter.

Because of the hard work done by the dairy industry through advertising campaigns (remember that famous milk mustache commercial?), low-fat/skimmed milk has replaced whole milk in most people’s diet.

 The truth is that full fat dairy is healthier than low fat/skimmed, and there are many reasons why this is true. Let’s take a look at the benefits of drinking full fat/whole milk:

Full-fat dairy contains a higher percentage of saturated fats than skimmed or reduced fat options. 

Saturated fats have been heavily criticized by the media for being unhealthy, but when consumed in moderation, they can actually be beneficial.

Here’s Anony Max Reasons why is dairy being criticized for being unhealthy :

1. They contribute to increased risks for heart disease

 The primary reason why the media has made it clear that you should be avoiding saturated fats is because they contribute to increased risks for heart disease. 

However, research done by Dr. Aseem Malhotra of Croydon University Hospital in London has shown that consuming whole milk may actually help reduce heart disease.

 His study, which was published in the British Medical Journal , found no link between saturated fats and heart disease.

2. Fat-free milk contains more sugar than whole milk does . 

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that fat-free dairy products contain significantly higher levels of sugar than their full fat counterparts do.

 In their study, the researchers were surprised that even those that consumed fat-free dairy products often had high levels of sugar in their blood. 

To put it simply: those who prefer fat-free dairy products may be doing so because of the additional sugar they’re consuming, not necessarily because they’re watching their weight.

3. Saturated fat is necessary for a healthy body . 

It’s said that if you don’t eat enough saturated fats, your body goes into “starvation mode” and everything begins to go wrong.

So what’s the problem with saturated fats? Some of them are considered “essential” because our bodies cannot produce them on their own.

 In order for the body to be healthy, it must have those fats from animal products. These include lauric acid , which is found in coconut oil and also in breast milk.

4. Whole milk contains more protein than fat-free milk does . 

The majority of dairy milk contains a higher protein content than low-fat versions do.

 Dairy products are a good source of protein because they’re a complete protein source that contain all nine amino acids that your body needs to live.

 In addition to its high-quality proteins, regular consumption of dairy products has been associated with a lower risk of osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease, according to recent studies from Harvard University .

5. Your body needs saturated fats . 

A common misconception is that 40% of your daily calories should come from protein, 30% from carbs, and 30% from fat. 

The truth is that the best ratio of macronutrients to consume depends on your individual genetic makeup..

 That being said, most people do not have the proper ratio of nutrients in their bodies.

The reason why many people have higher levels of cholesterol in their body is because they don’t have enough cholesterol blocking the arteries. 

Yes, high cholesterol levels are dangerous to your heart health, but only if you’re not getting enough beneficial fats in your diet.

6. Low-fat dairy products are extremely unhealthy for your brain . 

Years ago, many people advocated for low-fat dairy products because the fats were hitting the waistlines of consumers everywhere.

However, it’s recently been discovered that consuming too many low-fat dairy items is actually unhealthy for your brain. 

A study done by Harvard University found that consuming fat-free yogurt significantly weakens your body’s ability to absorb calcium, which is crucial for strong bones and teeth. 

Researchers found that people who consumed low-fat yogurt were 20% more likely to suffer from broken hips than those who didn’t.

The same study also found that drinking two glasses of non fat milk per day can increase your risk of heart attacks by 66%.

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Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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